Nd: YAG Laser Induced Defects in Intraocular Lenses

Nd: YAG Laser Induced Defects in Intraocular Lenses

The presentation will give an overview of studies that have evaluated iatrogenic defects in IOLs. What causes such defects and how are the defects preventable. What role do material properties of IOLs play? What are the effects of these defects on the optical properties in monofocal and multifocal lenses. Laboratory and clinical results will be presented and discussed. What features of new devices could be useful to avoid these defects in the future? Would it be beneficial to have a closeer cooperation between manufacturing companies and ophthalmologists to solve this problem and improve quality?


Dr. Andreas Franz Borkenstein

2001 Medical University Graz, medical studies
2001-2007 Various internships abroad
2006 Erasmus exchange program, 2 semesters of regular studies at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
2007 Med.Uni Graz, graduation: Dr.med.univ.

Professional career:
>2007 Research Fellow International Vision Research Center IVCRC, Univ.-Heidelberg, BRD, Director: Prof. Gerd Auffarth (3Y)
>2007 Resident and Residency at the University Eye Hospital Heidelberg, Germany; Head: Prof. Völcker
2008 Project Global Network, Excellence Initiative (1Y), Research Fellow at the David J. Apple Laboratory for Ophthalmic Devices in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
2009-2015 Univ. Eye Hospital Graz, LKH Graz, Resident, then senior physician of the clinic
(Specialist for ophthalmology and optometry), Main focus: Glaucoma outpatient clinic as well as focus on day-clinic cataract surgeries
2015 Parallel German specialist examination: FA for ophthalmology and optometry, Munich, FRG
2015 3-months as an ophthalmologist at the Waldkrankenhaus Erlangen, practice Dr. Haas and colleagues
2016 Foundation of own practice/office with the main focus on surgical ophthalmology at the private clinic of the Kreuzschwestern Graz

Interests/focus: Excerpt:
Investigation of different factors that can influence the optical quality of IOLs (IOL pathology): Influence of deposits, calcifications, iatrogenic defects in IOLs like YAG-shots, damages or scratches, effect of design changes at the optic-haptic junction on the overall stability of IOLs, clinical evaluations, laboratory studies including SEM analysis and Raman spectroscopy in ophthalmology, viscoelastics (OVDs). Collaboration in various multicenter studies clin. Evaluations IOLs (monofocal and premium)

Publications: Current list: Pubmed/Medline/Scopus/Research Gate
>45 peer reviewed publications (>80% as corresponding author)
Trials/Studies: > 100 Studies/Trials and > 200 internat.presentations/posters
GCP Course Uni Heidelberg certified.